Our Middle School Band Booster and High School Band Booster Clubs support our band through their volunteer and fundraising efforts. Here are a few ways you can support our bands through the Booster Clubs.
The Booster Clubs are completely parent-run, school-sanctioned booster clubs. Serving as an officer is a great way to connect with your school community and play a role in your student's interests.
Our Booster sponsored fundraisers help support our Carl Albert Bands. Boosters run concession stands, coordinate with band directors on student-led fundraisers, and other fundraising opportunities.
We have a number of ways you can help out, including:
Concession Stand Workers (MS and HS)
Chaperoning Events (MS and HS)
Uniform cleaning and tailoring (HS)
Hospitality at marching band contestsn (HS)
Marching band equipment and prop-building (HS)
If you are a band parent, all volunteer opportunities will be posted on the BAND app.