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Titan Marching Band

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The Marching Arts

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The Carl Albert High School Marching Band is a competitive ensemble filled with some of the most talented high school musicians in our state. 


The Titan Marching Band provides support for a number of activities in the fall, including playing at both home and away football games, the Homecoming Parade,  school pep rallies, and the Midwest City Veterans Day Parade. At the end of football season, our Marching Band performs for our elementary schools - Barnes Elementary, Schwartz Elementary, and Soldier Creek Elementary.


The Carl Albert Marching Band competes at 2-3 local competitions and consistently makes finals at these events. The Carl Albert Marching Band is also a consistent OBA Top 5 Finalist and OSSAA Superior Rated Ensemble. This past year our marching band held the following results:


Yukon Invitational - 5th Place Overall

Mustang Invitational - 9th Place Overall

OBA State Contest - 5th Place Overall

OSSAA Regional Contest - Straight Superior Ratings 

Section Subtitle

2024 CA Marching Band Performance Schedule is out now! 

See what is next in store for the Carl Albert High School Mighty Titan Marching Band with their 2024 competitive show,

"In Her Eyes". 


Performing Fall 2024 

Black and Yellow Camping Itinerary Flyer (1).jpg
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